Day 33:

Have you ever wanted to look someone in the eyes and scream "It's not your life, stay the fuck out of it." or something along those lines?
How about three of four somebodies?
Can't people just learn to be happy for their friends?
It doesn't MATTER if they found someone you hate to make them happy.
Can't you at least be glad that the someone made them happy?
i have a friend, Juan, who's dating a girl who I find to be a complete and utter bitch.
Does that mean I'm gonna take every opportunity to try and ruin his happiness?
I'm glad she can make him happy.
And if he ever needed to go out with her, but couldn't because he didn't have something necessary (Money, Tickets, company) and I could provide it, I would.
Because it doesn't matter to me that she's a bitch.
HE is my friend and I love him.

By the way, this blog isn't just for her side.
My side is being stupid, too.

I don't get it, though.
There USED to be a time where friends supported their friends happiness...
I'm not sure where that all went, but I damn well miss it.
All I'm saying is, If any of you/you were in this situation, I'm 99.9% sure that I/she would support your happiness.
Fuck, I might not agree that the person is as amazing as you claim.
But they're making you happy.

And as a friend, that's all that /should/ matter.

I guess not though.
Because You/you still hate me/her.
Which is fine, except that you/you still try to ruin what we have.
Both sides.
I can't believe it.
Personally her side I like you guys.
You guys are cool, and fun to be around.
I know I made one mistake, but she forgave me for it, and is now just as happy with me.
Why can't you be?
It's confusing.
I thought you were her friends?
My side: I'm tired of hearing it. How /bad/ she is for me. YOU FUCKERS DON'T KNOW HER.
Get over it.
I'm sorry, but can't you just be happy for me?
For once?
Fuck, maybe I'll find new friends.
Probably not, you guys are the best ones i've ever had.

I'm sorry that I had to post this for ANYONE to see.
But I hope when you DO see it, you don't just bitch and complain about how annoying it is, and really take it in.
For me/her?

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