Grand finale.

I am falling.
I don't like falling, but I can't deny it: I am definitely falling.
Not metaphorically, not in love or anything, no.
I am falling.
By way of gravity.
The ground is not getting any closer.
Ryan, rise and shine. Time for school

My eyes shoot open.
I do not want to wake up.
Suddenly I like falling, I don't want to stop falling.
I try my best to fall some more.

Ryyyyannnn. Wake up.

Fuck this.
I sit up.
I put on my game face.
I put on my game clothes.
I do my hair.
(Brush, Squirt, Brush, Squirt)
"I'm ready."*

Where the fuck is Eddie and Armando?
Here's Daniel, but where's Vlad?
First period.
"Class, today we're taking our chapter 7 test."
Easy shit.
Fire alarm.

Nobody budges, this is sad.
This is how often the alarm goes off.
pardon the interruption.
there is a fire, but we have it in control.
Thank you

Even sadder.
People were in real danger, and nobody moved from their seats.

Second period.
Tintary is reading MLKs work.
Genius man.
Both of them.
Tintary and MLK.

Third period.
Mr. G's on jury duty, still?
Movie about Jack the Ripper.
Fire alarm.
Nobody moves.
This is even sadder still.
It's another fire.
Still nobody moves.
Holy shit.

Lunch Time.
There's Vlad.
And Eddie.
And Armando.
"Who's the babe?"
"Stick your head in there."
"Hey faggot."
On our way to fourth period.
that's where it happens.

"Why do you always hit us, why don't you ever get Dilks?"
"Cause he's a little bitch about it."
"Bullshit, homeboy, you're just afraid of him."
"Fucking, naw, look"
He aims for my nuts.
I block him.
"See, he fucking blocks it."
I aim for his nuts.
He blocks me.
"You're a little bitch too then, eh. You blocked it too."
"Naw fool, I'm not a little bitch. You're just a fucking queer."
I shove him to the floor.
"Shut the fuck up, little bitch"
He stands up to hit me and Mrs. Mach steps in between us.

We don't get in official trouble.

5th period is boring.
6th period is, too.
Except that Freshmen and the Girl who Sits Next to Me are talking about my fight.
They exaggerate it.
I look like the good guy, though.
I go with it.
Why not?
It's highschool.

*I lied.

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