How To Marry A Prince and Become Royalty

1. You Have To Be Beautiful.

I've been alive for a long time. I'm young, I'm a kid, and I will always be a kid, but in reality, I have been alive for a long time. A lot longer than a lot of other people have gotten to live, but that's beside the point. Of the people who have lived long enough for me to know, most of them have had this notion that they're ugly, and people are ugly, and everything is ugly. But everything is not ugly, and you are not ugly, and everyone is beautiful. We all have ugly qualities, I'm bipolar with a bad past and no ambition and an idealist view on everything, but the beauty is in all of that ugliness. The beauty is the fact that you're human and you have horrible features and you can feel guilt and whatnot, the beauty is in the fact that we can love, and we can create, and we can learn. And we are all unique. That is the beautiful part. That you are you and that God, or something for which He is a metaphor, made you that way and you can be happy, and you should be happy, and you should never ever ever forget that there are billions of people on this planet. And they are all jealous of you, because they all wish that they were as beautiful as you.

2. You Have To Be Famous.

I once knew a girl who had this obsession with becoming famous. She let it get in the way of everything, especially relationships. She was willing to do everything to get where she wanted to get, and the saddest part is that she'll never get it. She wants so bad to be famous and be a star that she fails to realize that she was, at some point. She doesn't understand that at one time, there were a lot of people willing to do whatever for her because she was pretty, and she could sing and act, but she treated them badly and now they don't like her. It's regrettable, but what, really, are you going to do? Some people were born to be hated.

3. You Have To Believe In Love.

Throughout my 17 years I have stopped believing in things and then started believing in things, but one thing has been constant. Love has always been the message. It has always been what I believe in and stand for. I do everything in the name of love. I support love. I support happiness. Love is real, and it is undeniable, unavoidable, and unmistakable. And it hurts. And it destroys. And it sucks. But that is what makes it so amazing. Love is so complex, and unique that it can do so many things and all of them are powerful. And none of them can be stopped. Fuck the rules and fall in love.

4. You Have To Realize That The World Is Nothing But A Ferris Wheel.

Some people think of life as something to be taken seriously and worked hard at. But that's not what it's all about. You were blessed with the opportunity to be alive, so use that chance however you want. Life is just a giant board game, and that's all it will ever be, so we have to remember and accept and love that. You don't need to worry about God punishing you. You will punish yourself. The homeless drunk on the corner will not go to hell because he is already living it. The racist bigot in the bar hates himself and all he is. Life is a game, but there are no winners or losers.

5. You Have To Be Able To Imagine. 

You will never meet a prince to marry. You will never find your way, suddenly, thrust into the world of royalty and wonderfulness. But life is what you make it. And the key is to remember that you are beautiful, and you can fall in love, and you can be famous if you try, and you live in a theme park, and this world is yours for the taking, you just have to reach out and take it. That is how to finally be happy.

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