this is not the man I hoped to be.

You see.
Growing up i did not want to be RyanThomasD!lks, blogger, writer, poet.
15.455 year old whore.

I wanted to be RyanThomasD!lks, pro baseball player.
15.455year old king.
I wanted to cure cancer.
I wanted to fuck the girl who is now my best friend.
I wanted to be RyanThomasD!lks, the boy with a "Monday"

My aspirations have changed.

My life goals:
Find my Laughin' Place.
Get to my room at the HollyWood Tower Hotel.
Lose my virginity.
Have stories to tell, that are as funny as my dads.
Be as sad as the boy I write about in my blogs.

Goodnight, my sweet world of sadness and sorrow.
I set you to sleep once again.
I love you all, whether you love me back or not.

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