I am a Freak [ReWrite.]

Dear Beautiful girls who keep on inserting yourselves into my life:
I hate you all.
My name is ryan thomas dilks and this is advice:

Stop being a coward and go

No matter what you're holding yourself back from doing:
Stop being a coward and go.
Because "I tried" is just a grown-up way of saying "I gave up"
So next time you say you tried.
Remember what you're really saying.
You're saying you tried once [
twice. thrice.] and gave up, deeming it impossible.

Impossible is nothing.
impossible is a grown-up word for: Too Hard to Try.
But if you never try, you'll never succeed.
And if you never succeed, you'll always fail.
And failure is unacceptable, if you never try.

Giving up is to fail without trying.
to fail without trying is to be a coward.
To be a coward is to deem something impossible.
To deem something impossible is to give up.
My name is Ryan Thomas Dilks.
And this is advice.

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