Poem/short story

He slept /right/ through it

Beep. beep. beep.
He slept right through it.
Beep. Beep. beep
He slept right through it.
He slept right through it.
His door flew open, there was a scream.
He slept right through it.
She pulled a note from the pocket of his hanging corpse and read:
"I couldn't take it.
Five months ago, I went on a date with perfection.
Since that time, I've kissed her, licked her, and fucked her.
I said I loved her, she said the same thing.
After a month, the voices warned me:
"Kill her. Or she'll kill you."
I silenced them with drugs.
Two weeks ago I heard she was cheating, yet refused to believe it.
The voices came back:
"Time's almost up, dollie, kill her."
I ignored.
Yesterday I saw it.
Her making out with my best friend.
And while I set up my place, and wrote this note...
The voices whispered their final warning."
He slept right through it.
She looked up at his body, and there, carved into his chest, were weird markings.
She screamed
He slept right through it
She turned around, and saw in the mirror.
Carved into his chest, the words
"We told you so, darling."
he slept right through it.

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