Day Four: You're so post modern.

Early on in the day (one in the morning) my post was going to be about taking control of your own life.
It stayed that way until fifth period.

In fifth period I got some startling information.
The kid I got in a fight with on Thursday wasn't in trouble.
In any way.
I got this info directly from Mr. Gilbert (The vice principal of discipline.)
They said that the baseball players (Except Christian) were talked to, and that I was said to be the aggressor.
That Christian was only trying to push me away from his brother.
I asked if he talked to my friends and he said no, that he couldn't trust my friends views because I was found to be the guilty party.
I was enraged.
I screamed at the top of my lungs, "I was the guilty party because you talked to them first?"
I was sent back to class.

The moral of this story is that words are bullshit.
Words destroy and create.
Words are love and hate.
Words are the lowest form of currency on the planet.
And yet, they're accepted as though they are made of platinum.
But at the same time they're thrown around like they are made of less-than-precious stones.
If we are going to believe what comes out of someones mouth then we are extremely ignorant.
A long time ago I learned that the only lies we should view as the truth are our own lies.
Take control of your own life.
Don't fall into the fading trends (Lies.)
Being yourself does not mean being different.
It means refusing to change who you are.
Because if you keep changing to stay out of style, you are just as fake as the people who change to stay in fashion.
God created us as individuals.
But somehow we've managed to turn ourselves into mental copies of the person beside us.
It's horrible.

Teachers aren't always good at what they teach.
And it's not even mistakes anymore.
It's no longer a requirement to know whats going on in your class, apparently.
My math teacher thought that D=(x1-x2)2+(y1-y2)2
Is the same as D=(x-x)2+(y-y)2
because it doesn't matter in what order you put the X's and Y's.
But The bottom problem would make both X's the same number, and both Y's the same number.
Then he tried to convince me that $0.002=¢0.002
Whatever though.

I'm signing off.

God is love,
Ryan Dilks

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about all of that number nonsense...but don't give up on words. :) Whether your current circumstances indicate a social injustice or not, I don't know. What I do know is that our decisions definitely impact our futures. Hang in there and as I have been known to say to my little ones, "Make good choices!"
